Your search for * in family Myrtaceae has returned 22 entries


This is a sacred plant. The wood is used for rafters in house building. To plant taro, take an 8 cm diameter stick, sharpen it and use to make holes for planting. The stick is as long as needed for a person to stand while making the hole.

n. tree, 7 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3464)

Example: This is a sacred plant. The wood is used for rafters in house building. To plant taro, take an 8 cm diameter stick, sharpen it and use to make holes for planting. The stick is as long as needed for a person to stand while making the hole.


1. Edible fruits when ripe and turn black – some sweet and some not – eat sweet ones. 2. Timber, firewood.

n. tree, 3 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3612)

Example: 1. Edible fruits when ripe and turn black – some sweet and some not – eat sweet ones. 2. Timber, firewood.


The stems of this tree are used to make temporary houses and for firewood. This is one of the leaves that is used in an unspecified mixture to put in a rough sea to calm th ewaters.

n. tree to 15 m, dbh 75 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #5006)

Example: The stems of this tree are used to make temporary houses and for firewood. This is one of the leaves that is used in an unspecified mixture to put in a rough sea to calm th ewaters.


This tree is a source of sawn timber.

n. tree, 3 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3686)

Example: This tree is a source of sawn timber.


The fruits of this plant is edible and tastes like a guava. The wood is used for house posts, and the smaller stems used to make rafters to hold thatch. Firewood.

n. tree, 4 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3579)

Example: The fruits of this plant is edible and tastes like a guava. The wood is used for house posts, and the smaller stems used to make rafters to hold thatch. Firewood.


Edible fruits, very well liked.

n. tree to 4 m tall, dbh 6 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4941)

Example: Edible fruits, very well liked.


This tree is a good source of firewood, wood for house posts as well as sawn timber. The ripe fruit is edible but some of these are sour. Kids eat fruits – it is black. Pick only the most ripe fruits. This species grows commonly on river banks.

n. tree, 10-12 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3638)

Example: This tree is a good source of firewood, wood for house posts as well as sawn timber. The ripe fruit is edible but some of these are sour. Kids eat fruits – it is black. Pick only the most ripe fruits. This species grows commonly on river banks.


The fruits are edible when they are red. If a person has been drinking kava and the next morning feels hung over, they can take a handful of the leaves of this  plant, crush them in cool water, and wash their face with this. This treatment will help the kava feeling to disappear. At the same time, if a person eats the fruit of this tree a few hours in advance of planning to drink kava, they cannot drink kava as it will reduce the effects of the kava. The trunk of this tree can be used to build temporary houses and also it is good for firewood. When the  plant is in flower, flying foxes and birds come to drink the nectar and hunters know this so they hunt near this tree.

n. tree to 7 m, dbh 20 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4968)

Example: The fruits are edible when they are red. If a person has been drinking kava and the next morning feels hung over, they can take a handful of the leaves of this plant, crush them in cool water, and wash their face with this. This treatment will help the kava feeling to disappear. At the same time, if a person eats the fruit of this tree a few hours in advance of planning to drink kava, they cannot drink kava as it will reduce the effects of the kava. The trunk of this tree can be used to build temporary houses and also it is good for firewood. When the plant is in flower, flying foxes and birds come to drink the nectar and hunters know this so they hunt near this tree.


Syzygium richii

n. tree, 5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4143)


Ornamental. Some have red flowers. Red birds drink the juice. Normally flowers July, August, September.

n. tree, 3 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3683)

Example: Ornamental. Some have red flowers. Red birds drink the juice. Normally flowers July, August, September.


1. When in flower (yellow), taro is said to be ready in the garden.

n. large tree, 15 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4051)

Example: 1. When in flower (yellow), taro is said to be ready in the garden.

kuava atamañ

This plant produces an edible fruit, but it is smaller than the cultivated guava, and is considered the wild type. Firewood. Pinch 4 tops and chew and swallow for stomach ache and diarrhea.

n. shrub, 1 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3602)

Example: This plant produces an edible fruit, but it is smaller than the cultivated guava, and is considered the wild type. Firewood. Pinch 4 tops and chew and swallow for stomach ache and diarrhea.


Syzygium aneityense

n. shrub to treelet, 3 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3266)


Sharpen the end of a straight pole of this tree and use it to plant taro in a swampy area. For family planning. Scratch away the inner bark into your hand and mix with 1/4 cup salty water. Woman the uses (not specified how to use) it after her monthly period to protect her from getting pregnant.

n. tree, 1. 5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3685)

Example: Sharpen the end of a straight pole of this tree and use it to plant taro in a swampy area. For family planning. Scratch away the inner bark into your hand and mix with 1/4 cup salty water. Woman the uses (not specified how to use) it after her monthly period to protect her from getting pregnant.


When the new leaves form on this plant, people say that it is time to plant taro. The wood of the larger tree is good for posts.

n. shrub to 2 m ,fruits green (collection: Michael J. Balick #4884)

Example: When the new leaves form on this plant, people say that it is time to plant taro. The wood of the larger tree is good for posts.


This tree is a good source of wood for house posts and roof rafters. Some people eat the ripe fruits of this species but even on the same tree, some of the ripe fruits have a sour taste, even though they look alike.

n. tree, 12 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3639)

Example: This tree is a good source of wood for house posts and roof rafters. Some people eat the ripe fruits of this species but even on the same tree, some of the ripe fruits have a sour taste, even though they look alike.


Syzygium nomoa

n. tree, 8 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3703)

numu yehec

1. Used to build houses. The wood of this tree is considered very hard and heavy, so it is used as posts in traditional houses.

n. tree, 10-12 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4027)

Example: 1. Used to build houses. The wood of this tree is considered very hard and heavy, so it is used as posts in traditional houses.


1. Wood used for house posts and for small parts of the house such as a porch. 2. Timber tree, house posts, young trees for roof rafters.

n. tree (sparsely branched until canopy), 8-10 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3450)

Example: 1. Wood used for house posts and for small parts of the house such as a porch. 2. Timber tree, house posts, young trees for roof rafters.


Syzygium aneityense

n. tree to 20 m, dbh 30 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4907)


Use the wood of this plant for roof rafters.

n. tree, 8 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3624)

Example: Use the wood of this plant for roof rafters.


1. A "calendar plant". When this flowers in the bush, and people are making their gardens in that area, it means the garden is ready to harvest. 2. Firewood, calendar, and message plant – for people who live up in the forest can see this coastal plant and when it flowers it is a good time to go fishing or to move to the coastal area for a few weeks to relax. July-August. Tide is low so everything is exposed so it is a good time to fish for there, 2 months. 3. Flowers have a nice nectar, sweet, kids drink.

n. tree, 6 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3263)

Example: 1. A "calendar plant". When this flowers in the bush, and people are making their gardens in that area, it means the garden is ready to harvest. 2. Firewood, calendar, and message plant – for people who live up in the forest can see this coastal plant and when it flowers it is a good time to go fishing or to move to the coastal area for a few weeks to relax. July-August. Tide is low so everything is exposed so it is a good time to fish for there, 2 months. 3. Flowers have a nice nectar, sweet, kids drink.